Covenant of the Waters

Sea Priestess Training 

 (3 Intensive Spirals with Ness Bosch)

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to apply to study with Ness. 

This training is Donation Based.

The Temple of Waters Sea Priesthood is a training based on Connecting with the Water Element. Ness Bosch Graduated in 2012 as Sea Priestess from Rev. Stephanie Neal training and she took that Priesthood, Transformed it, and Expanded it into what is now the Sea Priesthood that she offers in 3 Intensive Spirals.  

The Covenant of the Waters was born as an offering of Ness to the Element.

The Temple of the Waters was the First Temple that began to impart the Priesthood in Spanish to the International Spanish-speaking Community. Later on, the Priesthood would be translated into several Languages.

Ness Bosch, as Head of the Temple and the Coven of the Waters offers 3 Intensive Spirals or Degrees, for people who wish to study with her.

The First Spiral of the Sea Priesthood consists of 10 Months of Exercises designed to analyze and help your connection with the Aquatic Element. Each month, Ness will post in the Virtual Classroom the exercises that you have to complete in that period. All study requires work. This Spiral has a Private Facebook Group for Students to share during their path, also a Meeting via Zoom at the end of each month. During those 10 months, you will dive in the waters, in emblematic places, analyze different connections, etc. After completing the Spiral, students become Guardians or Melissa of the Temple of the Universal Waters and Waters, obtaining their corresponding and official CoTW Title.

The Second Spiral of the Sea Priesthood consists of 12 Lessons to be completed in 13 Months at the most. Each month you will receive a part of theory and corresponding exercises, apart from tests. This is the spiral of inner exploration, of the surrender of the soul to the waters, and the spiral of changes. It is the Spiral of transformation and disintegration. Only if you want a profound transformation in your life I recommend following this spiral, to explore personal depths. You will be assisted by different Spirits of water and Deities that will take you by the hand for each lesson. This Spiral has a Private Facebook Group for Students to share during their path, also a Meeting via Zoom at the end of each month. Students who complete this Spiral graduate as Sea Priests and Sea Priestesses at the Temple of Waters, obtaining their Official Title from the CoTW. In addition to having the opportunity to become part of the CoTW Aquamarine Council and the opportunity to hold a Pronaos Shrine of the Temple of the Waters.

The Third Spiral of the Sea Priesthood consists of 12 Lessons to be completed in 13 months. This is the Spiral for those who, having completed their Sea Priesthood, wish to share the lessons of Water with other people, it is the Spiral for those who have implicit in their Life Mission to share with others. This Spiral has a Private Facebook Group and a Monthly Group Live Meeting via Zoom. This spiral is to open water work groups to the public, in addition to a theory monthly and exercises that will invite you to review yourself internally and grow even more with the assistance of the element to reach the degree of Master or Mistress of the Waters. We will continue Our work with different Deities and Spirits of the Waters and after having completed their spiral and One year and One day of Service to the Temple of the Waters, will obtain their Title of High Priestess or Priest of the Waters, also obtaining their Official Title of the CoTW and the opportunity to hold a Naos Shrine of the Temple of Waters.

Each of these Spirals or Degrees of the Sea Priesthood has Monthly Donations.

For more information and to receive the CoTW Form and Rules use the Contact Form on the website.

You can Study this Training Completely Online or in person if you live in Scotland.

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