Covenant of the Waters


Adherence to the Coven, Requirements for Membership

The Right of Admission will be reserved.

There are the following types of Membership:

Libertus Members:

This membership is for those who wish to participate freely in the activities of the Covenant without any obligation. You need to be at least 18 years old to be able to apply as a Libertus Member.


Anyone training with the founding Member in any of the Degrees of the Curriculum of the CoTW. The minimum age to be able to take the 1st Spiral is 25 years old.  You need to be over 33 years old to take the 2nd Spiral and over 38 years old to take the 3rd Spiral. 

Aquamarine Council Member:

They are the Members who have their Title of Priest and Priestess of the Sea issued by Ness Bosch and who after completing their 2nd year of Dedication and the Integration Period, have been Admitted to the Council or after their application to the Aquamarine Council, for their Work and Dedication to the Congregation during their training (This includes serving as mentors to other applicants and as public organizers of different events with the permission of the Indigo Waters Council and supervision) or by direct invitation of the Founding High Priestess or the Indigo Waters Council with a minimum of 4 votes in favor. After 1 year with a temporary chair in the Council, the Council may be voted to keep their chair for another 2 years, after which they can be renewed in their chair for another vote (always subject to the observation of the Indigo Waters Council) .

Members of the Indigo Waters Council:

They are the Members (They can be Founders or who have risen on their way to a position in this council) on whom the weight and direction of the Congregation rests, members who have sealed their commitment and worked for the values ​​and goals of the Covenant This council will have a maximum number of 7 members, the Position of Mother Foundress Priestess being permanent and the other positions being able to be filled by Members of the Aquamarine Council after 3 years of Dedication in it and by Voting.

Members of the Aquamarine Council:

The council is closed for renewal of positions.

Members of the Indigo Waters Council:

Founding Member and Head of the Covenant of the Waters Ness Bosch.

Honorary CoTW Members:

Vivianne Crowley

Haydee Hernando (Solcire Wicca)

Rev. Christian Ortiz

Yeshe Matthews

External advisors:

The Indigo Waters Council may invite Advisors to participate in helping the council to gain perspective on matters that may affect the community. In no case, they will have the right to vote but to witness and give an opinion.


Those Members of the Indigo Waters Council who are over 40 years of age and have been in their chair of the Council for at least 3 years since they occupied it will be recognized as Elders of the Congregation. The only person considered in the Congregation as an Elder until one of the councilors meets the Requirements will be the Founding Priestess, Ness Bosch.

Norms of Conduct within the CoTW 

Please Read carefully if you consider to Join the CoTW you must accept this Norms. 

Membership Application Form of the CoTW

Those who would like to be part of the Covenant will need to send this Form BEFORE they Perform the Rite of Communion with the Waters and wait for a Response to the application.

Communion Rite with the Waters.

This Rite is meant to be realized ONLY if you have been accepted as a member of CoTW  and as a Rite of affirmation at the start of  each CoTW Degree.

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