Covenant of the Waters
Our Celebrations
Lunar Celebrations
Full Moons:
- January: Moon of the Wolf
- February: Snow Moon
- March: Worm Moon
- April: Pink Moon
- May: Flower Moon
- June: Strawberry Moon
- July: Deer Moon
- August: Fish Moon
- September: Fruit Moon
- October: Harvest Moon
- November: Beaver Moon
- December: Cold Moon
Dark Moons:
- January: Moon of Desire
- February: Moon of Secrets
- March: Creatrix Moon
- April: Trickster Moon
- May: Lovers Moon
- June: Lyrical Moon
- July: Storm Moon
- August: Moon of Joy
- September: Moon of Gratitude
- October: Bitter Moon
- November: Moon of the Ancestors
- December: Offering Moon
Solar Celebrations
- Samhain, Greater Sabbat (New Year). 31 October.
- Yule, Winter Solstice. December 21.
- Imbolc or Candlemas. Celebration of banishment from the winter season. February 1st.
- Ostara, Spring Equinox. March 21st
- Beltane is the last of the three spring fertility festivals, and people, plants, and animals prepare for the following warm months. May the 1st.
- Litha or Summer Solstice, celebrates the majestic aspect of God. June 21st
- Lammas or Lughnassadh, is the first of the three harvest celebrations. August 1st.
- Second harvest festival, Autumn Equinox September 21.