Covenant of the Waters

The 8 guards of the Aquamarine Flame are held every month.

Is an open activity of the CoTW, you don't need to be a member to take part. 

You only need to work 1 night a month, but you have to do it if you wish to be part of the Group.

This Work will be carried out within a Private Group enabled for this work. Only the people who send their applications will enter. 

Use the Contact form to request further info. 

Why in the Dark Moons?

Because the Path of Water is a path of Shadow work, the Dark Moon will help us with it.

Why is it called Aquamarine?

The Aquamarine is one of the Healing Crystals of the Temple of Waters. It is used in the Healing Modules and is also a stone related to Atlantis that contains qualities that will help you to connect and increase your vision. Is also a direct channel with Mother Marina. 

I invite you to explore this wonderful crystal. To do these guards you will have to get a crystal, even if it is a cheap one, pebble, etc.

You will also need:

  • Light  blue candle representing the Aquamarine Ray.
  • Black candle
  • White candle
  • Bowl with water charged energetically.
  • Aquamarine crystal
  • Offerings
  • Paper and pencil.

Well, this Guard needs to be held at night, at a convenient time that you know you will have a quiet time on your own. You will have everything ready on a small altar, you can put water music if you want to, preferably only the sound of water. You will begin clearing the space as you normally do and make a call to the waters. Once that is done, you will proceed to light the candles in the following order: Blue, opening the Guard, and Black, so that the shadow we have to work with will be shown: For example, a sign of the work we need to do to clear our Inner Waters. Then the White, so that it carries the Light of the other face of the Moon in this case the light fills our Shadow side. Once the candles have been lit, you will take the Aquamarine Crystal and call the Creature or Deity that corresponds to that guard in the month.

The list is the following:


-January: Ran

- February: Coventina

- March: Sobek

- April: Grannus

-May: Charon

-Junio: Oshun

-Julio: Susanoo

-August: Nessie

-September: Atargatis

-October: Aegir

-November: Sedna

-December: Tiamat

The list for the following years is Private, only for those who have completed the First Year or the Second, etc.

You will invoke each deity to your space to give you a message that will help you during the month. Remember placing offerings on the altar is important. You will hold the crystal while the communication lasts. Once finished, you will place it again on the altar. You shall tank and greet goodbye the energy and proceed to write the message to be able to remember it in detail.

After this, you will take 3 sips of the bowl with water charged energetically and you will feel its cleansing and revitalizing effect on you.

After taking the sips, look at the flames of the candles.

Which one catches your attention the most? Why? Do you see something special inside the flame?

You will finish the guard greeting the Waters. Let the candles be completely consumed at a safe place.

The guard is over.

As you can see, the Guard is not complicated. Iit is very deep, as the participants of previous years could attest. It is not difficult but if you open yourself to work it can be very healing.

Apply only if you are willing to commit to do all the Guards and to work.

Aquamarine Flame Guards

Use this form if you wish to join the Guards

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